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Using MART mutant generation

Test Automation

For use in the integration with other testing tools such ast automated test generation tools, Muteria is a good way to use Mart (Check out the example_c usage from Muteria).

For direct usage of Mart, checkout the usage demo video here.

Compile your code into LLVM bitcode (.bc) file

Use clang to build the C language program (.c) into LLVM bitcode (.c) with a command of the form:

clang -c -emit-llvm -g <SourceFile>.c -o <BitFile>.bc

You may use wllvm for large C/C++ projects. Compile with debug flag enable (-g option for C/C++ compilers gcc and clang) and without optimization to have mutants closer to source code mutants.

Generate the mutants

Use Mart through command line. The usage format is the following:

<path to mart build dir>/tools/mart [OPTIONS] <bitcode file to mutate>

View the help on usage with the command:

<path to mart build dir>/tools/mart --help

Mutation Generation Configuration

Mutant generation configuration consist in 2 configurations:

  1. Code locations to mutates (mutation scope): This specifies the source files and functions to mutate. This is done using the option: -mutant-scope <path/to/mutant scope file>

  2. Mutation operators to apply: This specifies the mutation operator to apply. Mart's way of specifying mutants is flexible. For example, the user has control on the constant to replace when replacing an expression with a constant value. This is done using the option: -mutant-config <path./to/mutant config file>. Note:If mutants operators configuration is not specified, the default configuration of 816 transformation rule is used. That default configuration file is located in <path to build dir>/tools/useful/mconf-scope/default_allmax.mconf

Find the details about the format and language to specify the configuration here.